How supercomputers and AI predict tsunami?

 How supercomputers and AI predict tsunami? 

In recent times, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been used to forecast natural disasters and to reduce the impact of climate change. In a research paper titled 'Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning', experts in AI point to 13 different areas where the technology can be deployed to mitigate climate change.

Earthquake and its resultant tsunami is one of the most tragic environmental disasters that calls for an efficient early warning system (EWS) and a possible use of machine learning, AI's other division.

Currently, tsunami EWS relies on dart buoys placed in the ocean to predict the size of the wave and its time of impact. This could soon change as a team of researchers at Japan’s Fujitsu Laboratories has developed an AI model to predict tsunami flooding in coastal areas in real-time.

The team has used the world's fastest supercomputer to develop the AI model. They generated training data for 20,000 possible tsunami scenarios based on high-resolution tsunami simulations, using the supercomputer Fukagu.

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